NodeQ is an all-in-one data collection device that combines industrial PCs and DAQs, designed for compatibility and productivity.
As an industrial data collection node, NodeQ supports multi-protocol communication, facilitating a flexible data pipeline, and enables easy sensor management and data orchestration across the entire network.
NodeQ is performing automation in carbon nanotube manufacturing, refineries, food manufacturers, power plants, and laboratories, dramatically improving productivity and data reliability.

Data Reliability
Everyone knows the importance of accurate data collection and synchronization in industrial sites, but there are issues with data reliability due to various causes. If the accuracy of sensors or measuring equipment is low or if calibration is not done properly, the collected data becomes unreliable, and external environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and vibration can distort the data by affecting the performance of the sensors. Distortions or unstable measurements of data due to electromagnetic interference (EMI) or other external signals often occur as well.
Moreover, high and low-frequency noise or spike noise can also cause problems. When data is transmitted or stored, loss, distortion, or delay can occur, which decreases the reliability of the data.
NodeQ, created directly by SDT, addresses these data reliability issues. NodeQ can filter out low-frequency and high-frequency noise, as well as spike noise during the data processing stages. By using current detection circuits instead of resistance distribution logic to amplify the signal, it minimizes the effects of voltage line drop caused by distance. NodeQ enhances reliability on industrial sites by selectively using Low Pass Filter, High Pass Filter, and other filters based on the elements on the Linux side.
For instance, in the case of the NodeQ Analog IO module, NodeQs installed on each line or layer collect this data, eliminate the noise, and then transmit the data to a central control room via Ethernet. The NodeQ RS-485 module converts the communication format itself from the sensor for transmission, resulting in very minimal environmental impact. Additionally, it provides the advantage of good scalability by using parallel communication.