Modern cryptographic systems typically rely on random number tables that generate seemingly random codes by arranging numbers in a disorderly fashion. However, these systems produce pseudorandom numbers, which, while difficult to predict, are not truly random. Instead, they follow underlying patterns that can potentially be deciphered. While current systems may take considerable time to crack, the advent of quantum computers, with their remarkable processing speed, threatens to expose the vulnerabilities of pseudorandom-based cryptography.
To safeguard against the coming quantum era, there is a growing need for cryptographic systems powered by pure random number generators. These systems rely on genuinely random numbers, free from any predictable patterns, providing a robust defense against the rapid capabilities of quantum computing and ensuring the security of sensitive data for the future.
NodeV ensures end-to-end security from image generation to video transmission by leveraging QRNG technology.
With its advanced security capabilities, QRNG offers essential functions such as the protection of national secrets, personal data, prevention of cyber terrorism, data confidentiality, integrity, and non-repudiation. As a result, NodeV is ideally suited for deployment in mission-critical, high-security environments, including national security facilities, semiconductor manufacturing plants, power plants, and smart city infrastructures.
This product was developed with the support of the National Police Agency, the Korea Entrepreneurship Promotion Agency, and the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).