Next-level edge computing
SDT's high-performance ECN is designed to seamlessly connect with industrial machinery to efficiently allocate resources and process data. From the reliable Basic Slim model to the most powerful Vision Pro model, we offer a variety of ECN options that provide the perfect balance between performance and power consumption. Push the limits of true edge computing.
ECN processes data where it originates. ECN intelligently analyzes data from most industrial machines by standardizing multi-protocol data packets to industry protocols such as MQTT, LwM2M, and OneM2M. Using high-speed LAN networks such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, LTE, and LTE Cat.M1, ECN pushes the boundaries of IoT data collection, processing, and publishing. Connect NodeQ, 3rd party PLCs, external sensors, or actuator networks with the ECN to take advantage of the ECN's data processing or use programmable GPIOs to collect data directly from the equipment panel. Then take edge computing one step further with ECN’s ability to optimize bandwidth when interworking with a central data center or cloud for better distributed computing power.
Turbo Boost
Basic Slim
With a capacity of 6.2 liters, the Basic Slim is more compact than 80% of comparable PCs.
Vision Pro
With a capacity of 12.8 liters, the Vision Pro is more compact than 50% of the mATX and ITX chassis on the market.
User Experience
Introducing embedded GUI for ECN. The ECN Inspector enables previously impossible real-time resource monitoring on-site. With a built-in display offering equipment status, network information, and error messages, the operator can monitor industrial hardware without the hassle of connecting to a PC.
Bright LCD display for viewing ECN resources
Robust SoM with High-Performance MCU custom-built to run Inspector diagnostics